Friday, May 30, 2008

Keeping Time

It never ceases to amaze me that people are so controlled by time. I glance at my watch at least 10 times a day to make sure that I am "on time" or budgeting a job correctly. I have given up on having a regular bedtime and a wake up time this year because my schedule shifts so dramatically each day with the auditorium job. But I do regularly look at my watch in the middle of the night to make sure I'm sleeping long enough! Watches as far as I'm concerned, rank right up there next to the invention of wheels.

Today is a sad day. I have, without success, searched for my watch for four solid days and I am officially announcing that it is lost. My watch ranks right up there next to my wedding rings in personal value. It is an essential part of getting ready for work each morning. My husband seems to understand how important my watch is to me because he bought me a beautiful watch as a wedding gift 15 years ago. I still have that watch....but now it sits in my jewelry box and doesn't work but still looks good! I only take my watch off to shower and on Saturday, after cutting the lawn, I cleaned up, got a shower, and somehow lost my watch. I have a sneaking suspicion that one of our cats knocked it off the counter and into the trash. And now my watch is sitting in some landfill doing absolutely no one any good.

Today is my first day with no seniors in the morning. That means that I no longer have a second block....I may need to make a "watch run" during my new "free" period because I don't think I can survive another day without being able to keep time. (That's kind of a funny concept for a musician!) BTW, I know it is time to be done with the grieving and just move on because yesterday, the whole naked wrist thing got me extremely irritated at least four or five times. I found myself just shouting out, "What time is it?" in a really gruff-not-Heidi-like-at-all-voice. Then I watched as random students just pulled out there cell phones and told me the answer to my question. I don't use my cell phone as a must be a generational thing. Now that I think back on the day, maybe it was just the "bombs" of giant loads of tar and rocks that were hitting right over the top of my head at any random moment....maybe this was making me a little edgy.

Anyhow, I will not come home without a watch today. It is "time" to move on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually quit wearing a watch when I got my cell phone. Plus I have to wash my hands constantly at work, and I found it got in the way. But, I know the naked-wrist-what-now feeling from when I did wear one. Good luck finding a nice new one!