Tuesday, May 6, 2008


It is amazing how stories/memories come to you when you teach. I share a lot of these moments in my teaching on a daily basis. I am always looking for ways to connect the pieces of learning to each other and I feel that stories sometimes help students make that connection. It always fascinates me that my mind can be so clear when it comes to memories and so foggy when it comes to other things. Let me give you some examples:

1. I can remember foreign language song lyrics perfectly even if I don't know the actual meanings of the words. I can not remember lyrics to songs that are in English most of the time. My choir laughs at me on almost a daily basis for my inventions!

2. I can remember phone numbers from 10 years ago. Ipswich: 356-8665 (it spells elm tool), Wilmore: 858-3511; but since the invention of cell phones, I can't tell you the numbers of most of the people I call everyday.

3. I can remember where I live on a daily basis. I can't remember that the roads and exit ramps that lead to my home are closed and I can't get home that way! (My commute goes from 15 to 31 minutes when I forget.)

4. I can remember how to spell a person's name but I first have to remember their name!

5. I can remember that I have seen a movie but I can't usually remember what the movie is about.

So, is this normal?

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