Monday, May 19, 2008

A Very Vicious Cycle

Summer is approaching. We have about 4 weeks of school left and I am starting to dread the "summer makeover". Every year, I contemplate losing a lot of weight. And every year starts out pretty much the same way. Here is a small sample of the "process" of me starting a diet.

1. I decide that it is time to change things.
2. I decide that I should give up Diet Coke first. Because I should drink water.
3. I start to drink water. And I do well dealing with random caffeine withdrawal headaches for about 2 days but I persevere and continue on the "water march".
4. I decide to give up "white". Pasta, rice, bread, flour, etc. I quickly realize that life is really not worth living without "white". So I rethink my options. The no "white" thing lasts about one day at most.
5. I decide that giving up "green" may be better.....because I don't like vegetables too much.
6. I do quite well at accomplishing #5 on the list so I decide that I can reward myself with some Diet Coke.

There you have it! Maybe this summer will be different.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So hysterical! You're too funny!