I am trying to find all of the great stuff to dwell on during the month of May but it is proving to be more difficult than anticipated! So a good old fashioned honest post will have to do for tonight.
School is really challenging right now. We are in the midst of layoffs and so far 6 high school teachers will be leaving our school system. We only have 2 teachers retiring so I am very sad that we are messing with people's lives here. It must be incredibly hard to deal with life changing news within the walls of your princiPAL's office. I stress "pal" here----I'm not sure I get how our English language came up with that one!
I don't have enough tech people on my auditorium staff right now so I am pretending to be the lighting tech person for 2 large performances. I have spent almost every free moment this week working on cues so that both shows will go well. I have hit a wall with certain parts of the programming of cues/scenes and I am frustrated because there is no one to turn to and I don't do well with manuals.
I was told today that I would be driving to Cedar Point with five seniors because they "overbooked" the buses for our June trip. It will be awkward enough to ask seniors to ride with me since if I were 17/18 years old, I would think this was not a "fun" option. Of course, my dream would be to be able to hand pick my "fab five" and they would just flock to my car door because it would be absolutely awesome to hang out for five hours in a climate controlled, quiet car with leather seats and stimulating conversations or naps o'plenty. Who am I kidding? I am a realist so I know this won't happen! And in reality, I know I will get stuck with five seniors that will be assigned to me the day of the trip that don't "fit" in and I will end up "acting" that the day will be great especially when they all turn out to be strangers. Yay....go me! I was excited to chaperone this trip but now I am wondering if this may be more of a stress than anything else. Maybe I should bow out gracefully now so that I don't have to deal with this?
I am tired and not in the best of moods and once again my day is pretty much done and I have only been home for less than an hour. Will May ever quit?
Tomorrow will be better.

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