There comes a time in life when sometimes things are so boring around the house that one decides to blog about their cats. This seems to be that time. So sit back (does anyone ever read blogs standing up?) and relax and try not to fall asleep.
Cassie and Tiger are brother and sister. In "cat lingo" that means litter mates. We have had them since they were about 4 weeks old. They weren't weaned from their mother before we got them so eating cat food was a bit difficult for them for a few days. This new eating "skill" is what you see in the picture at the top of the post.
Madison got the inspiration for Cassie's name from a then popular show on PBS called "Dragon Tales". Madison, who was just barely three years old, was extremely in love with the show and extremely in love with the color pink. So it made perfect sense to name the gray kitten "Cassie" since the other Cassie was pink and a small dragon. Don't you see the three year old's logic? Does anyone in the entire universe know of a gray cat named Cassie? It is truly, utterly, and purely unique. Now that Maddie is eight and a bit more refined in the naming department, I am sad to report that Cassie is still deeply loved but her silly name has lost it's zippiness. Sometimes, although hard to admit, I rename her when guests visit. It helps to avoid the comments like, "Wow, that is an interesting name" and then they turn away and curl up their noses in confusion. and dislike.
"Tiger" was the name that Nate chose for his gray and black striped kitten. This one I can totally make sense of.
Anyway, the cats are BFF. They hang out together.... they meet me at the door each morning when I get up, they eat together, and they play together. Once in the while, we even catch them sleeping quite closely together! As like most women that I care to hang out with, Cassie is very bossy. She is a mere six pounds to Tiger's twelve but she is the dominating female of the cat clan. She is always quick to "hunt" through the screen window (they live inside). She is always easy to find...just one "kitty, kitty, kitty" sequence away and she will be at your feet in a jiffy. She is also a problem solver--if you need that toy that has rolled under the fridge, she will stretch her tiny paws under the grate until it is found. She is an over achiever--she not only gets that toy, but she will find food, dust bunnies, and dirt particles as well!
Wow! I have just experienced an incredible change of literary events! I just realized that Cassie's life is a complete parallel of mine! This is incredible! I am smallish (okay, a bit more than six pounds), I am going more gray by the day, I "hunt" teachers, students, friends, and family down everyday, I am only a cell phone number away so I am easy to "call", I problem solve at different levels all day long, and I am an over achiever because a musical performance is never ever, EVER good enough.
Hmmmm..... It is quite amazing the direction in which this post has headed. It's not at all what I felt it would turn out like. I was going to tell you about how a twelve pound Tiger runs across my head while I sleep-I guess that will be saved for a different boring afternoon post. I am looking at Cassie joyfully sleeping very peacefully on the chair next to me....maybe I will continue to be just like her. Right now!

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