Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Sometimes the best laid plans just don't quite happen. Here was my original plan for my first day of break: (to be done before 11:57 a.m.)
1. Get the kids up and on the bus by 8:16a.m. (S usually does this and kids had a 1/2 day today)
2. Return a library book.
3. Return some items to Kohl's (my second favorite store).
4. Return some items to CJ Banks (my favorite store ever).
5. Eat breakfast with a friend.
6. Grocery shop.
7. Unpack the groceries and meet the kids at the bus.

Here is what actually happened:
1. Overslept and awoke to Madison standing over the bed staring at me. No bus riding today-I had to drop the kids off at school.

2. Forgot the library book on the table at home...the table that you practically have to run into to get out the garage door!

3. Returned the items to Kohl's (I accidentally left the item in the car last night so I had it!) Three cheers! I completed an item on my list. Okay, maybe just one cheer since it was only one thing.

4. Forgot the CJ Banks bag at home.

5. Friend slept in---ate breakfast alone and tried calling people but no one was home. Listened in on other people's conversations. (Did I really just write that?)

6. Decided to use up my last tanning visit that I bought last year (and was about to expire), so now my face is bright red. It matches the rest of my body. Tomorrow I get my hair dyed. I have already started the prayer that will ensure that the red in my face will match the red in my hair...or at least compliment it. But just in case I'm out of favor with God, you may want to pray too.

7. Since the tanner was near Target, I stopped in and spent $76.14 on I'm-not-sure-what. I did splurge and purchase some really cool clothes hangers. I may even get around to a "closet makeover" post soon!

8. Went to Sam's Club and bought some steaks for dinner so at first glance it "looked" like I shopped when anyone opened the fridge! This was actually a brilliant idea! Unfortunately, I forgot to realize that S was not coming home until the steaks were already cooked so it really didn't matter.

9. Picked up the kids from school, since I knew I would never make it home in time.

So at first glance, you can see that my first checklist only contained seven items and my second one contained nine items so I guess I was productive!

Obviously, I need to use a checklist of events and check them off upon completion....always. So now I am off to the grocery store for real this time! BTW, I liked my first day of break. It was awesome! And BTW again, I am definitely avoiding the title of this post like the plague! Because grocery shopping is way more fun than that title!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool Trip!