Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Fashion Rules....Always

My ten year old Nate went to school today in a hoodie. In my day we called them "kangaroo shirts" because of the pouch pockets in the front but I was quickly told that "is not what they are, Mom" this morning as we walked out the door. It is spring.....in Michigan. That pretty much means that it is NOT spring for a really long time and then all of the sudden it is summer. The seasons are not usually gradual at all.
So here is the fabulously funny conversation with my not-too-outspoken- fifth grader this morning at 7 a.m:

Mom: So Nate, you might want a little warmer coat for today.

Nate: Mom, it is really warm out and I don't want to wear my winter coat.

Mom: Well, it is 48 degrees right now but the temperature is supposed to be falling all day.

Nate: Mom, it's all about fashion. Hoodies are in....winter coats are SO out.

Mom: Oh, I see. Cool then.

Mom: So, how was your day?

Nate: Well, I think tomorrow will be a winter coat day. I don't think fashion matters anymore! At least for a few more weeks it doesn't.

Hmmm....obviously fashion isn't going to matter to him for very much longer! That's my boy!

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