Monday, April 21, 2008

He Watches Over Israel and Me too!

My Elijah experience is over. The spotlight has dimmed and I am happy. In fact, I am peaceful about things in general. And I have not thought about any of the songs since yesterday.
Even after cutting out 30 pages the oratorio lasted 2.5 hours. I am sure the audience was bored at times. In fact, I kept thinking of things that the audience might have been thinking. Let me take time to share my list:

1. Will that soprano soloist ever take a breath?

2. Did that chorus number sound a bit off to you?....oh wait, I think they are back on track. BTW, this could have been their thought about 5 times at different points.

3. Hey, Neighbor in the audience, are we supposed to know who "Baal" is?

4. "He that shall endure to the end". Hmmm, what an interesting name for a movement....Maybe the audience should be singing this to the chorus since we have sat here for 2 hours and 10 minutes so far. These pews are hard.

5. Cool, check out that YOUTH soloist....she looks as old as me! I guess YOUTH meant something different back in those days. Interesting.

Anyway, I only got lost once because I was daydreaming about what I might cook for dinner when I got home. I think it was quite noticeable since I was rapidly flipping pages and straining to see my neighbor's page number.

The Soprano/Alto duet went quite well. I would say that was my personal highlight of the night! The YOUTH soloist part didn't go so perfectly. I missed the high A, tried to replace it with an F# and ended up settling for a cracked D#. It wasn't too pretty but the show still went on and at least the D# was in the chord!

So Goodnight Elijah. Forever. Amen.

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