Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring Break Beginnings

Finally, the beginning of break has begun! Today during my last block class, I had to refrain from yelling at my class to "leave the room immediately----I am done teaching you for 10 days" when the last bell rang. Fortunately, I masked my true feelings and just said cheerfully, "Have a great break!" while thinking, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Needless to say, I am very, very happy to not think about school for a week.

But then again, who am I kidding? I will probably think about school a lot this week. I will miss seeing my students. I like them! I teach in a school district that doesn't have a lot of money. In fact, the students sometimes scrimp and scrape to be able to afford to do any kind of extra curricular activities. This is one reason why I chose to teach choir and not band. Choir has much less overhead for the typical student than band does. I like the fact that choir doesn't require a student to buy any instrument or reeds or valve oil, etc. I like the fact that everyone in choir can never forget their "instrument" since it is hard to lose your vocal chords! And I also like the fact that music stands don't create a barrier between the director and the performer.

So, this week I will miss school and the students that make up my classroom. But I think the break will be good. I can't wait to be on that plane!

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