It has been a day that probably should not be repeated. For a very long time. Here's a rundown of the "highlights" of a low day.
6:00a.m. I woke up on account of my bladder. I glanced at my clock and relized that I had reset the time last night to my alarm time and my "actual" time had been set to my alarm setting. Thank you, Lord, for alarm clock bladders.
7:20a.m. Dropped Nathan off at school. At that point I realized that I had left my cell phone on the counter.
7:40 a.m. Arrived at Colonial Kitchen (my Fave breakfast spot) for a meeting with a friend/collegue. He forgot about it. I waited for 20 minutes and then ordered my breakfast.
8:20 a.m. Headed to school to take my first guitar lesson!
8:21 a.m. Realized that my guitar was with my phone. At home.
8:40a.m. Canceled the guitar lesson when I could get to a phone at school.
8:45 a.m. Listened to my band director friend talk about his awful weekend. For the next hour.
10:00 a.m. Gave a lecture to my Varsity (audtioned) choir about how they better start singing and acting like a Varsity choir.
11:30 a.m. Heated my soup in the microwave only to dump it on the counter, down the cabinets, and onto the floors while I was taking it out of the oven. It was very hot and it was a tomato based vegetable. (for those of you thinking about how I had to clean up a spill).
11:45a.m. Cleaned the kitchen area in my office and opted to go buy an apple and a carton of milk. And eat 6 whoppers (malted milk balls). (This moment was by far the most delicious decision of the day).
2:35 p.m. School ended and I walked to my car only to discover an almost flat tire. Nail in the tire. Could see it with my naked eye.
3:05p.m. Got the tire filled at a gas station on my way to pick up Nathan.
3:30p.m. Arrived at the middle school and almost fell asleep waiting for the boy to get done with band practice.
4:00p.m. Got ready for a quick nap.
4:01p.m. Stan arrived and wanted to go out for early dinner.
4:06p.m. Maddie arrived home "starving".
4:07p.m. Given up last bit of hope that I will get a nap.
4:20p.m. Loaded into the car for Cracker Barrel.
4:40p.m. Were seated and given the nicest waitress. Who was way too busy. So we waited for 20 minutes.
5:15 p.m. Dinner! Rush, rush, rush.
5:45p.m. Madison and I departed for Children's choir Rehearsal.
6:00p.m. I stood in line for "reserved seating" tickets for the December 6th Holiday concert.
6:45p.m. 45 MINUTES OF WAITING IN LINE--made it to the front of the line. The concert is on the 7th, not the 6th.
6:46 p.m. GIANT PROBLEM: MAJOR CONFLICT Trying not to cry as I make my way to my car.
6:47p.m. Reached my car, checked my calendars and confirmed that Madison's concert and my chorale concert (that I direct) are on the EXACT SAME TIME AND EXACT SAME DATE. Can't understand how this happened when I checked the dates twice before booking.
7:01 p.m. Arrived at Belle Tire only to find that they had closed one minute earlier. Put more air in my tire before I left.
7:02 p.m. Arrived at Meijer and broke a dozen eggs as I put them into my cart.
7:10p.m. Checked out
7:30p.m. Picked up Madison and headed home.
8:30p.m. Started this post.
8:45p.m. Getting ready to publish this and still have no idea how to make myself magically appear at both places on December 7th. Any ideas?
Goodnight. Heidi