Happy Thanksgiving! We spent the morning (about 1 hour) in the arcade. I spent a huge amount of money supplying tokens to 2 very ravenously hungry game players. They weren't hungry for food but they were hungry for tokens. I liked playing Deal or No Deal. I realize that it is all guessing and luck but there is something about being able to stand on a lit up floor panel and punch numbers that correspond to suitcases that thrills me to no end. My best game (and I played many), was when I "won" 85 tickets. The highest amount of tickets you could win was 200 so I really felt like I had gotten my 4 tokens worth out of that game.
And now friends, in case you are wondering, here is what my $50 worth of tokens bought:
Off to the waterpark this afternoon. I'll take some pictures. Not of me, or course, but of other fat people wondering around the park! How absolutely mean.
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