Since there are HUNDREDS of regular readers that have never seen my house, I thought I would do little show and tell. Plus, we only have it this clean 2 times a year....Fall party and Christmas party! 
This is the front entance area.

If you look to the right when you enter,
you see the little bathroom tucked down at the end of the
room and Stan's office that we put a frenchdoor on.

His office--off limits to the general public as well
as our cats!

Living room that has Madison paper bats
hanging on the mantle.

More living room.

Between the living room and the kitchen/breakfast
nook. We don't usually have that eating table there.

Breakfast nook and more Maddie Halloween.
Sliding doors lead to baby grand shaped back porch!

Kitchen that is too small but pretty!

Dining room with my too small kitchen
in the background.
And that does it for the first floor. I need paint and curtains....but that will be another post!Heidi
Thanks for the tour. Now I see that I should also host parties at least twice a year to make my house look nice. :)
I enjoyed the tour. Thanks.
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