Many of you know from a previous post that I like to shop at Kohl's. I don't usually buy things for myself but rather for my children. But I will proudly admit that I do believe that Kohl's has a great selection of bras. And today during school, my underwire started poking me in the armpit and by 3 o'clock I knew that I had to go "replacement" shopping. To make things even better, I had a 30% off coupon that was going to expire tomorrow so it was now or never!
Madison decided to accompany me on this trip since she wanted to find a new bathing suit for Spring Hill next week! So we stopped at Speedway and spent a whopping $56 on 3/4 of a tank of gas and then proceeded on to find some OTHER great deals.
Since Madison is growing so quickly and camp begins on Sunday, I decided that it would be wise to try on the bathing suit before buying it tonight. Maddie and Nate are very spoiled in the "trying on" department because I usually just bring multiple sizes home and then return what doesn't fit. At the moment we decided that the trying on thing needed to happen, I was shopping for bras. Or should I say that Madison was trying to shop with me and deciding that she could speed the process along if she shouted my size nice and loudly every time she found a bra that would suffice. It was not an experience or memory that I wish to think about anymore. Thank you.
We made it to the dressing room and she and I took the handicapped one since that would give us both ample space for trying things on. She is very private (just like me!) and so we changed back to back. After the first try on was complete, we both realized at about the same time that there was a MAN in the stall next to us. She knew right away that this was not right and managed to whisper her concern to me. I, on the other hand was not really worried about the man thing but was more concerned about those very wide slatted doors that I happened to be in front of. I figured that if I can see out, then they can see in! Let's just say that we were dressed and out very quickly. People with our last name can move quickly in a stranger danger weird sort of situation.
We were quite successful in our shopping experience even if everyone in the store now new my bra size. And with a 3o% additional amount off the total, we saved a lot of money! I just hope no one that I knew was around that bra section tonight.
1 comment:
Holy Creepy!!
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