Many posts that I have written are strictly for entertainment. I like to make people laugh. I don't really even mind if people are laughing at me. I just find it extremely rewarding to make people smile. It is something that I can do without spending money and I seem to be pretty good at the making people laugh thing, because I feel that most of my days are filled with a fair amount of it!
As I write my 46th post, I realize that I don't just blog to entertain. I simply like to keep a blog. I like to write. I am not extremely eloquent and I don't have much to say in general, but I find that blogging is a good way to end the night and also rethink and mentally process through the day. Many times I find that blogging will leave a smile on my face and after many long, hard, STRESS filled days; this is a very good thing. I pretend to have an extremely cosmopolitan audience of 10,000 that revisits my site faithfully but truth be told, it's still only about 5 steady readers and I think only 3 of those actually know how to leave a comment! Comments really do help motivate I encourage you to be bold and come out of the bloggy closet. It really is very safe in here.
Tomorrow is graduation day. I am willing myself to be tough. No visible tears. But I have been torn to pieces on the inside for days because I don't want to say goodbye to this group. They are so unique and fabulous and thoughtful and just cool. And now they have to grow up and many of them will move away. And choir will fade from their memories. And although it is selfish, that means that I fade too. I know that graduating and moving on is natural and I know it is right.....but it is really hard to deal with the grief of losing 13 kids that you have grown to love all at the same time. Maybe this is why some people choose not to ever teach high school. Anyway, please say a prayer for Cortnie, Toni, Nayt, Dillon, Kaitlyn, Nick, Felicia, Pam, Tara, Shameka, Jerimiah, Michelle, and Britt. Their future is now far away from the safe and predictable walls within our little high school. It is a really big step for most of them and a lot of them have already told me that they are really scared and very overwhelmed. And truth be told, I am really scared and very overwhelmed for some of them because they have a rough road ahead of them.
But tomorrow will be ok. And I will get through the cermony. And so will they. We will all be fine. And I will make jokes and laugh with them because that is what I do best. And laughing is more socially acceptable than crying....
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