Anyway, she mentioned the fact that I might go to jail for using a copyrighted picture on my blog. (The Little House On the Praire one) She then mentioned that she might go to jail too because she used a picture of a puma that she stole off of google images or something. Then we decided that we could be room mates. She then asked me if I snored. What a true friend!
So Jennifer (and all others that might be interested in being my room mate sometime), here are a few things that you might want to know about me before you "sign up" to be my roomie:
1. I covet my pillows which, as of this post, have not been returned to my home yet.
2. I pretend to be cool with staying up late but most of the time a 9p.m. bedtime works for me.
3. I get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Every night.
4. I flush. Always. And I don't care if it wakes everyone up.
5. I wake up with the sun. But I pretend to be asleep until 6 a.m.
6. I wear jammies. I like my etremely worn out and soft ones the best. Long pants and a short sleeved shirt.
7. I like a fan. It is on every night but it doesn't always blow at me.
8. I don't take care of the kids at night. Stu does this. Always. Which means that I probably won't take care of a room mate in the middle of the night either.
9. And lastly, I probably snore a little bit. I prefer to call it "breaving heavily". That is what Madsion used to say about herself!
Although I am quite happy with my current room mate situation, I can put you on my waiting list!
Make it a good day.
Thanks for using my real name after I've decided to use a "handle"-only approach in my blog world. What a true friend! You know that our blogs don't get enough traffic for my privacy and identity to be in danger.
And, yes, I do think that IM'ing is a middle-school way to commnunicate given that we have all-inclusive phone plans. I know you are just putting my typing skills to a challenge for my own good.
This is an old post but as an old roomie of yours, I just had to reply. You need to add that you are a terminal morning person and are not happy unless everyone is up at 6 just like you.
Oh the mornings that I pretended to be asleep and you would make as much noise as possible to make sure that I was awake.
Fun days those!
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