Monday, June 30, 2008


Every month on the 1st, I try to change out my contacts for a new pair. I tried really hard to make it until July 1st, but yesterday my eyes were wanting a new pair because I was having a hard time focusing. So, I broke my own rule and decided to treat myself two days early to a new pair.

This morning I woke up and stuck my contacts in. Everything was going as normal but I noticed that my left eye was not focusing well so I immediately thought that I had gotten into a bad batch of contacts. Then my eye itched and watered the whole day. Surprise, I have pink eye!

I am very prone to this little ailment but I don't ever remember getting it in the summer! So I dug out my trusted eyedrops and realized that they had expired in 2006. Hmmmm...should I live dangerously?


melissa said...

Use them! What's the worst that can happen, you burn your eyeball and go blind permanently? :)

Heidi said...

I used them....they burned. I walked across the street to my doctor friend and he wrote me a new presciption. I love friends! Oh. And now I have it in both eyes.