Saturday, August 13, 2011

A different weigh of thinking!

I am very punny tonight.    A little thought for my 15 readers! 

All of my adult life I have been chained to the scale.  I would weigh myself a few times a week in hopes of not gaining too much weight.    And when I was dieting, I would weigh myself to see if I lost anything, and sometimes be happy when the scale would move a half of a pound a week and be really sad when it was a good week of exercise and eating that the scale wouldn't budge.  At. All.

With this new journey, I have started to almost realize that I am not gaining weight anymore.  If I get on the scale, I either am down in weight or I stay the same.  I am starting to trust that my body is actually doing what it is supposed to be doing and I am just along for the ride.   Although it is exciting to still step on the scale and see that things are going in the right direction, it is also starting to get old.  I don't need to step on the scale every morning.  I just need to keep doing what I am doing and trust that things are good.  Just a different way/weigh of thinking.

And on a side note, after 3 years of training, Gracie is FINALLY catching popcorn in the air.  Hopefully when she stays with Grandpa and Grandma next week, she will catch those cheerios and impress them with her talent!


Anonymous said...

Way to go, baby! Gracie, too! LUV

donna said...

You go girl!