Saturday, July 30, 2011

The new "normal" meal

During my last trip to the doctor's office, I remember the nutritionist saying the following:  "Please eat your protein before eating any of the "extra" food on your plate".  I have been trying this week to put that extra thing on my plate.  I have gotten so used to eating one cheese stick, or 6 oz of yogurt, an egg, or a glass of milk for a meal that eating more than one thing seems a bit daunting.

Tonight I had a beautiful toddler size meal!  I ate one ounce of rotisserie chicken first and then I had a tablespoon of broccoli, a tablespoon of squash/onion, and 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes.  And I ate the whole thing!  Eating like this is an adjustment to say the least but it felt sooooo good to finally get in some veggies!  Now I just need to make a more conscious decision to eat more things at a setting.  I am starting slowly...I will continue with the toddler size dinner and will eventually add something more to lunch and breakfast.  It really is baby steps!

I dropped a few more pounds this week.  This is my 24th day after surgery and I have so far lost 24 pounds!  I am happy with that.  I don't have 200 pounds to lose like some people so I know that I will slow down at some point.  5 lbs a month sounds like a nice goal for a while!!  But, who knows what is in store.  It is just so great to diet and exercise and actually see good results!

I finished painting the master bedroom and bath.  I will try to remember to post pictures when I find my camera.  Make it a great day!




Anonymous said...

What a nice dinner! I suppose there are people in the world who would consider that a banquet! I think about you dozens of times every day and am silently cheering you on the journey. You will be an encouragement to others. LUV

Donna said...

You go girl!