Thursday, July 7, 2011

Recovery Day 3

I wanted to blog again yesterday but somehow I got pretty hopped up on painkillers and making a sentence, let alone a blog post, was somewhat difficult! 

I was discharged from the hospital late yesterday afternoon.  It was probably a day too early but I was just exhausted from the constant door opening and vital checking all night long.  I loved my nurses, the hospital was lovely and I appreciated all of the good care that I was receiving but I was so glad to say goodbye.

Yesterday they weaned me off of the IV pain medicine and got me to do liquid vicodin.  I have decided that I am not a fan of this drug as it upset my stomach a lot.  They then tried Altram and that was a winner!  Last night I took a dose, laid down on the bed and 4 hours later woke up and realized that I was in the exact same position that I was in when I went to bed.  Sort of funny...sort of disconcerting at the same time!

Today I have tried to do a moderate amount of walking along with some light housework.  I have also taken lots of cat naps.  The anesthesia seems to take forever to get out of my system.

My goal for this week is to gradually increase my appetite.  Yesterday I managed to get down 8 ounces of protein drinks and about 4 ounces of water.  Today I have had 12 ounces of protein drinks and about 6 ounces of water.  I am never hungry so it is hard to remember to sip, sip, sip all day long.  The goal is to get 64 ounces of water and 32 ounces of protein everyday! 

I also am doing a lot of deep breathing to keep clearing out my lungs because there is a small threat of pneumonia if you don't keep things moving.

I am to walk to prevent blood clots.   Gracie and I have done 2 good walks around the neighborhood and I will hope to get one or two more in tonight. 

And finally, the best gift of blood sugars have been in the low 90's all day today.  NO oral diabetes pills anymore and I have a feeling I will wean off of the 26 units of nightly insulin.

So, things are well.  Very well.  Slowly getting back to a new normal each day.  Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers!


1 comment:

melissa said...

Glad you're home and keeping us updated. Sounds like you're doing a good job!