1. I can remember foreign language song lyrics perfectly even if I don't know the actual meanings of the words. I can not remember lyrics to songs that are in English most of the time. My choir laughs at me on almost a daily basis for my inventions!
2. I can remember phone numbers from 10 years ago. Ipswich: 356-8665 (it spells elm tool), Wilmore: 858-3511; but since the invention of cell phones, I can't tell you the numbers of most of the people I call everyday.
3. I can remember where I live on a daily basis. I can't remember that the roads and exit ramps that lead to my home are closed and I can't get home that way! (My commute goes from 15 to 31 minutes when I forget.)
4. I can remember how to spell a person's name but I first have to remember their name!
5. I can remember that I have seen a movie but I can't usually remember what the movie is about.
So, is this normal?
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