Saturday, May 3, 2008

Guilla Monsters

I don't really know if I spelled that title correctly or not. It doesn't seem to have that squiggly red line under it so we'll just go with it!

Most of you know that I have diabetes type 2. I had gestational diabetes with both of my pregnancies and was told with the birth of child number one that I had a 90% chance of contracting the disease later in life. And when the odds are that high, I tend to just go with them. So, about 4 years ago, after a few years of denial, I was officially diabetic.

Like any disease, Diabetes can come in many types and flavors. I have the adult onset type and my sugars actually register pretty well on the "Diabetic Scale". My sugars are registering an average of 120 when I am taking my meds on a regular basis. 120 is actually on the very high side of normal. So I am not that bad....sorta.

I visited my doctor last week. He is very good at his job and likes to practice "cutting edge" medicine. He is about my age and loves his job because everytime I go in and am feeling a bit discouraged about how inconsistent I have become with shots and drugs, he encourages me to "Get in the Game" and just try harder.

It is really hard to "try harder" when the guilla monster juice shot (also known as BYETTA) makes me sick. Byetta works really well for sugars are in the double digits but I feel absolutely lousy for about 2 hours after I take the shot. In a one week time frame, I usually throw up 3-4 different days after taking the miracle drug. Teaching and throwing up really don't mix so I knew that I had to have a conversation with my doctor about this. Here is how it played out:

Dr: So, how is it going?
Me: Well, I don't really like taking that BYETTA. It makes me sick.
Dr: Yes, but look at your sugar readings, they are great!
Me: I probably throw up about 3 times a week in the mornings after I take it.
Dr: This drug is really doing the best possible job that we could ask for.
Me: I don't really like throwing up at school. In fact, I skip the shot all together if I know that I have to be on top of my game that day. I can't predict when it is going to make me sick.
Dr: (Finally, he is listening). Well, I know that this regiment is tough on your body. I guess that if you have to skip once in a while then I will just have to forgive you. Taking it 60 or 70% of the time is better than nothing at all.
Me: So, you are asking me to continue taking a drug that makes me sick?
Dr: Yup.
Me: Well, okay then.

I guess that this is a journey that won't end in one day or maybe even in one lifetime. But it is so hard to be patient.

PS: It made me sick again today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds so horrible, I don't think I could take a medication that had such a high chance of making me throw up!!!! That's the worst :(