Sunday, August 7, 2011

A great day of eating!

Things are starting to be much easier in the eating department.  I have noticed an increase in the amount I can consume and that is a good thing.  Last week  I was consuming about 4-6 ounces at my main meals and then getting in three small snacks.  This week, I have dropped a snack and now am easily eating 6-8 ounces on a pretty consistent basis.  I don't have large snacks...usually a quarter cup of cottage cheese with a little fruit (I like those Breakstone Doubles) or a cheese stick.  

Out of boredom, I have self advanced my diet.   (Sorry, Miss NUTritionist).   The carbs that give me the most issues are still bread (which I have hardly tried) and rice.  My "good" carbs that my body can tolerate at a very small level are mushy pasta and potatoes of all sorts.  I can have bread in toast form...I have done very well with the thin Pepperidge Farm white bread toasted dark.  It's kind of like a crouton!  I miss Legumes...but those do a lot of expanding in your stomach so I will hold off a bit longer.

After rereading that last paragraph, I am reminded of the fact that God always provides.  Before this surgery, I had a heart to heart with God and told him that I really didn't think that I could give up potatoes or pasta because those are my "white carb" loves.  I seriously struggled with the fact that if I couldn't tolerate these two foods, my eating life would be very shallow and sad for me.  SO, I guess he was really listening, because so far I am ok to eat small amounts of these foods.  And when I say small, I mean like 2-3  tablespoons or so!!  :)

I also have added hamburger meat to my growing list of protein.  I like red meat.  It tastes different than seafood and chicken or cheese or eggs.  And since I am not a big fan of cheese, this helps get those protein counts up.   I haven't tried pork yet.  And I don't really miss that!

Nate has been gone to a friend's house since after church.  He just called to get permission to spend the night.  I am grateful that both of my children have good friends.  And that I have good friends too.  

Man, so much thankfulness tonight...I might need to make a turkey tomorrow and celebrate!  

Blessings for a great week ahead.



Donna said...

You are a blessing in lots of peoples lives.

Heidi said...

Right back at you, Donna! See you in a month....eeeeek!