Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gearing up for school

I have been busy attending professional development, staff meetings, computer training, and potlucks this week at school. My day has started at 7 a.m. and I force myself to leave at 3 p.m. each day. It has been a little more hectic each day with trying to juggle the auditorium management piece and the teaching piece. My room doesn't look perfect but I think I can pull it together this weekend in a few hours and be ready for the first day. This week has been very scheduled as well. I have started to retrain myself to potty when told, and to eat lunch in 20 minutes, and not have a fridge close to me when I need a drink. I know that I am very tired. I know that structure makes me tired! I realized just how tired I was this morning when my eyes were closed as I flipped open the deodorant cap and realized just inches before it hit my pits that it was my Colgate. Minty fresh pits....can you just imagine?

Tomorrow I am going to spend most of the day at home making sure that we have enough fresh food to survive the weekend. We still are all set on the frozen and canned goods! And I am going to take my kids for their last hurrah for the summer--maybe the zoo or the nature center. Or maybe just bowling. They really aren't picky at all. :)

OH....breaking news before I sign off.....besides hamburgers, imperial chicken, pancakes, and spaghetti, we have added a new meal that everyone will eat! Hold on to your seats....put a life jacket on....we had fish (perch) tonight and EVERYONE ate it. It was not very healthily prepared (go fried food!) but it was a step in the right
direction! So now I have 5 meals and 5 weeknights to fill. My life has just become beautiful.

Well, I need to listen to the Democratic candidate I feel a little bit political. And don't forget....keep those eyes open for any stray toothpaste....

Hmmmm....that signature is gone again!


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