Last week I visited Romeo Camp which holds a camp meeting for 10 days each summer. It has been around a long time. My grandparents owned a cabin in Romeo and would haul the whole family up there for 3 sermons a day (for 10 days in a row!). The camp has somewhat evolved with an up to date projection and sound system and lots of contemporary music but the cabins surrounding the tabernacle and the pews that you sit in are the same. I wished I had my camera to take pictures of this stuff. I have been attending ONE sermon almost every year up there for as many years as I can remember. Thad, my brother in law, preached during Missionary Day this year, and I had the the honor of hearing him. After the service I was sitting down in front goofing around with my nephew. Sally, my sister, rushed to the back to be with their display table. She was quickly greeted by an old hall mate of ours from Asbury College, our Alma Mater. Angie casually asked about me and Sally quickly pointed her in my direction and stated: "You can't miss her...her hair looks just like it did in college." (Which was from 1987-1991). Even though Sally made the comment about my hairstyle quite innocently, it got me thinking. I really have, several times in my life, considered changing my hair. It has been this style since at least 1982. That would put me in Junior High. I had a brief stint of growing it out in college but when I learned how to french braid by myself....I never ever wore it down again. And after about six months of wearing it "up", I figured I might as well go back to short. So, in case you were wondering about other hairstyles that I have considered: let me introduce to you my pictorial ideas!

I do think the glasses are a bit off.
I think this may "frame" my face too much.
I do like the "no double chin" though.

Here's an idea: BLONDE

I think this fro makes my face look a bit too "weighty".
Frizzy Hair and a Spiral
Mindy from "Mork and Mindy"??
Mindy from "Mork and Mindy"??

Three cheers for "Charlie's Angels".

Using a hair straightener everyday doesn't sound like fun. Plus that turtleneck looks way too hot! Maybe this would have some potential if I had a guitar in the picture and was singing a folk song or something.
As you can see, I don't have a lot of options that are good fits.
So, I think it is safe to say that I may just stay with my current cut for a while longer. Sorry to disappoint you!
very funny and creative, dawgie!
Dawg, the posts at Heritage Schoolhouse have made me think about your LHOTP postings. I thought Madison might be interested in the "finds" this woman is discussing for Show and Tell Friday, as well as the Little-House-Inspired supper menu. Enjoy!
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