1. I feel good for the rest of the day when I go.
2. I am very energized.
3. I don't feel as guilty when I eat a mini candy bar if I have gone. (Just being honest).
4. Visiting the gym adds structure to my morning routine.
5. I have some nice workout clothes that I like to show off.
6. My sugar levels are better when I exercise.
1. I have been having some foot issues-ingrown toenails to be exact.
2. Exercising aggravates my toes~a lot.
3. My shoes may need some stretching out.
4. My feet feel fine when I don't go.
5. If I don't go, I feel fat(ter).
6. If I don't go, I feel guilty because I have spent all this money on a gym membership and I'm not using it! (Thanks, Dad).
As you can see, I am in pain when I go but I know it is the right thing. If I don't go, I feel good but I know that is the wrong thing to do. AND if I have my feet operated on to correct the problem, I am out of the gym for a minimum of 3 weeks. Grrrrrr why can't this be easier?
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