So, tonight I beat him at his own game. I filled his belly with out-to-eat-food and then promptly turned into the Kohl's parking lot. Before he knew what was happening, I told him to get out and walk into the store. He protested but quickly realized that I wasn't giving up.
We made it to the boys section and I pointed out the following rules before he began to shop. Rule 1--you wear a size 14 in pants. Rule 2--you wear a size L in shirts. Rule 3---try to buy things that are on sale.
He trolled through the boys section and started picking out things that were "cool" and "awesome". He ignored all of my rules. He would pick up a shirt that he would like, not look at the price or the size and would throw it into the cart. I would quickly remind him to look at the size and he would pull it out of the cart, replace it with the correct size and throw it back in.
It fascinated me that EVERY SINGLE time he found an article of clothing, he would just throw it in the cart and not look at the price or size! Is this a guy thing???? Did he think that he was buying a toy and that all models are the same??
Anyway, after a $142 bill (yikes!!) and a plethura of clothes, he proudly walked out of the department store and proclaimed that he would be putting on a new outfit to wear when he got home. It was 7:45 p.m.
I can't help but love that boy!
Totally not a boy thing. I definitely know how to buy clothing.
And not all models are the same. :P
Very well designed blog here.
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