It is embarrassing how long things have gone without being cleaned and organized. It never ceases to amaze me that when there is an "event" that is coming up at my house and it involves people hanging out in my living room for a long period of time, I am much more motivated to clean out the clutter that sometimes overtakes the corners of each room.
Tonight I tackled the eat in kitchen part of the kitchen. I started with a stand up pantry and moved my way around the room to each corner. I cleaned two bookshelves and then got to a basket that sits on the floor and holds my phonebook and various directories from church, school, etc. I noticed that it was getting a bit full of late so I went ahead and dumped out the contents onto the floor. Here is what I found:
1. One up to date phone book
2. A gardening magazine
3. Two different directories for Maddie's school friends
4. Two outdated church directories
5. One small packet of tissue covered with dust
6. Three outdated Schwan's flyers
7. My Favorite--A coupon for cereal that expired on 12/31/05
So, does that mean I haven't cleaned that out since I moved into this house 4 years ago??? Gross.
Well, I am off to tackle the next basket of junk. This one I have been dreading.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
An Easy Chair

What kind of chair do you think of when someone says "easy chair"? Personally, I think of a cushy, leather high back reclining chair that you sort of melt into when you sit down and then you don't want to ever get out of.
Today we sat in an easy chair in my Aerobics class. But it sure wasn't my kind of easy chair that I pictured in my head. Instead, that easy chair involved that dreaded yoga ball......if you have that ball, try the following:
1. Grab your yoga ball!
2. Place the giant ball behind the small of your back and lean against the wall with it behind you.
3. Now, slide down the wall, until your legs are in a sitting position. Comfy yet???
4. Lean back in your "chair" and cross your legs....just like your were sitting in the chair.
5. Awww, great! Let's do some squats. 48 to be exact. And then cross the other leg over and do 48 more.
Some exercises are not worth repeating. Or talking about anymore. YUCK.
Boys and Shopping
I took Nate shopping tonight. This is a blog worthy event because I don't remember him ever actually accompanying me on a clothes buying outing. He needed shirts and a pair of dress pants. Most of the time, I just go into the store, pick out a few items and then bring them home so that he can "choose" his favorites. I have noticed that the last couple of times that I have done this, my choices are met with great disapproval followed by rolling eyes, shaking of the head, and comments like, "I would NEVER wear friends would laugh at me!".
So, tonight I beat him at his own game. I filled his belly with out-to-eat-food and then promptly turned into the Kohl's parking lot. Before he knew what was happening, I told him to get out and walk into the store. He protested but quickly realized that I wasn't giving up.
We made it to the boys section and I pointed out the following rules before he began to shop. Rule 1--you wear a size 14 in pants. Rule 2--you wear a size L in shirts. Rule 3---try to buy things that are on sale.
He trolled through the boys section and started picking out things that were "cool" and "awesome". He ignored all of my rules. He would pick up a shirt that he would like, not look at the price or the size and would throw it into the cart. I would quickly remind him to look at the size and he would pull it out of the cart, replace it with the correct size and throw it back in.
It fascinated me that EVERY SINGLE time he found an article of clothing, he would just throw it in the cart and not look at the price or size! Is this a guy thing???? Did he think that he was buying a toy and that all models are the same??
Anyway, after a $142 bill (yikes!!) and a plethura of clothes, he proudly walked out of the department store and proclaimed that he would be putting on a new outfit to wear when he got home. It was 7:45 p.m.
I can't help but love that boy!
So, tonight I beat him at his own game. I filled his belly with out-to-eat-food and then promptly turned into the Kohl's parking lot. Before he knew what was happening, I told him to get out and walk into the store. He protested but quickly realized that I wasn't giving up.
We made it to the boys section and I pointed out the following rules before he began to shop. Rule 1--you wear a size 14 in pants. Rule 2--you wear a size L in shirts. Rule 3---try to buy things that are on sale.
He trolled through the boys section and started picking out things that were "cool" and "awesome". He ignored all of my rules. He would pick up a shirt that he would like, not look at the price or the size and would throw it into the cart. I would quickly remind him to look at the size and he would pull it out of the cart, replace it with the correct size and throw it back in.
It fascinated me that EVERY SINGLE time he found an article of clothing, he would just throw it in the cart and not look at the price or size! Is this a guy thing???? Did he think that he was buying a toy and that all models are the same??
Anyway, after a $142 bill (yikes!!) and a plethura of clothes, he proudly walked out of the department store and proclaimed that he would be putting on a new outfit to wear when he got home. It was 7:45 p.m.
I can't help but love that boy!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
World Class Athlete Training

I have decided that the title of my post sounds a lot better than Fit 4- 50. I am so sore today and it hasn't even been 12 hours since my aerobics class. Today the teacher said, "I am really sore in my triceps, quads and glutes---how are all of you doing? Did you feel Monday's workout?" Well, that was enough motivation for me! I worked extra hard today. And now I really feel it!
She will be really happy with me when I tell her at our next class. I should learn her name.
If you see me around, just call me "World Class Athlete". I'll try not to let my giant pretend gold medal swing over and hit you as I run by!!
Make it a great day!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sunshine Chicken
Today I decided to make a chicken recipe that is one of my favorites. I don't think it is particularly lowfat but it is quite tasty and reheats beautifully.
I will post the recipe at the end for those of you who'd like to try this. I haven't made this recipe in several years. It calls for a healthy amount of orange juice, raisins, cinnamon,almonds, mandarin oranges, and a touch of ginger. I made the recipe according to the directions and after I put the chicken in, I realized that my cinnamon had started to clump in my orange juice gravy. It was not a happy moment in my one that I know of should have to eat lumps of cinnamon in their gravy! I quickly grabbed my weapon of choice which happened to be a wisk, and started to wildly stir the gravy. I was quite disgusted with myself when I realized that the clumps were the raisins not the cinnamon!
Without further adieu, I give you "Sunshine Chicken"
6 halves Chicken Breast
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons butter
Sprinkle the chicken with salt while melting the butter in a large skillet. Lay the chicken in the pan and brown both sides a minute or so on each side. Remove chicken and leave drippings in pan. Add to the pan one more tablespoon of butter.
Mix into the melted butter:
2 tablespoons flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of ginger
Stir well. Add 1 1/2 cups orange juice and stir until thickened. Turn heat to low and add the chicken pieces back into the pan. Add 1/2 cup raisins (Golden ones are pretty but the black ones are just as good.) and 1/2 cup toasted almond slivers.
Let cook about 45-50 minutes covered. Stir occasionally. Right before serving over a bed or rice, add a can of mandarin oranges that have been drained.
Voila, stove top dinner at its finest!
I will post the recipe at the end for those of you who'd like to try this. I haven't made this recipe in several years. It calls for a healthy amount of orange juice, raisins, cinnamon,almonds, mandarin oranges, and a touch of ginger. I made the recipe according to the directions and after I put the chicken in, I realized that my cinnamon had started to clump in my orange juice gravy. It was not a happy moment in my one that I know of should have to eat lumps of cinnamon in their gravy! I quickly grabbed my weapon of choice which happened to be a wisk, and started to wildly stir the gravy. I was quite disgusted with myself when I realized that the clumps were the raisins not the cinnamon!
Without further adieu, I give you "Sunshine Chicken"
6 halves Chicken Breast
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons butter
Sprinkle the chicken with salt while melting the butter in a large skillet. Lay the chicken in the pan and brown both sides a minute or so on each side. Remove chicken and leave drippings in pan. Add to the pan one more tablespoon of butter.
Mix into the melted butter:
2 tablespoons flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of ginger
Stir well. Add 1 1/2 cups orange juice and stir until thickened. Turn heat to low and add the chicken pieces back into the pan. Add 1/2 cup raisins (Golden ones are pretty but the black ones are just as good.) and 1/2 cup toasted almond slivers.
Let cook about 45-50 minutes covered. Stir occasionally. Right before serving over a bed or rice, add a can of mandarin oranges that have been drained.
Voila, stove top dinner at its finest!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Fit 4-50

The title of this post reflects the name of the Aerobics class I took today. I am not sure it if means you can take this class if you are between the ages of 4 and 50 or if it is a play on words and is geared towards the 50 year old person!
Whatever it means, it totally kicked my rumpus today! The lady that was leading the class was really good, inspirational, and challenging. She made the absolutely grueling 60 minutes class a lot of fun! I will go back on Wednesday.
I also want you to know that for the record, I HATE those yoga balls. They are too big for a 5 foot frame--even the little ones are too big. Since my arms are less than a foot long and my chest is large, it poses a bit of a problem when the instructor asks you to lean over the ball and touch the floor. My hands were about 3 inches away from that floor and it didn't matter how I shifted....the floor wasn't getting any closer. The final straw came when the nice instructor shouted out, "Ok, everyone, now that you are all comfortable on the ball, lift your left leg up high for leg lifts to the ceiling." I'm sure I had a panicked look on my face because she quickly gave me a modification!
Well, off to bed. I think I may lose a pound tonight. That would be encouraging!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Chickened Out
Today I woke up with a specific fitness goal in mind. Since I have been exercising for a little more than a week now, I decided to change up my routine and attend a fitness class. My schedule doesn't permit me to be able to make many of these classes during the week because they are either too early or too late in the day. But Saturdays are different. And for that I am thankful.
I am a very social person and group classes are fun for me. It doesn't really matter what kind of class it is although Yoga and Kickboxing scare me so I usually avoid these. Today was a class called "BAC Conditioning" and we all know that I am in need of conditioning!
When I arrived, I nonchalantly surveyed the situation through the glass walls that surround the rest of the workout area. I can not begin to explain the emotional meltdown that was happening in my head as I looked into the classroom and saw the following: Steps that were all on the highest level, bands for your legs and arms, free weights, a 10 lb. bar for lifting, and the dreaded giant ball. EACH station had ALL of this stuff in a pile. It was truly overwhelming. And to put it all into perfect perspective, every person that was scurrying around to get their spot set up, had the body that really didn't look like it needed exercise. And they all were dressed in cute workout clothes! It was almost like I was looking at the filming of an exercise video in the making. I paced up and down the glass wall twice...and I never opened up the door. Instead I sat down in the recumbent bike, set it to 30 minutes and interval trained for 5 grueling miles as I watched the class through the window.
As I settled into my workout, way in the corner of the room, I spied a fat lady. She couldn't do all of the exercises but she was hanging in there. It was humbling and angering to see. I should have been in the class. I knew that. But, when you are overweight, you don't want to be the fattest person in there. Pride. Simple as that.
After the class, I was really bold and went up to the fat lady and said, "I want you to know that you inspired me today to try this class next week." She smiled and was a bit taken aback and replied, "Thanks for inspiring me to keep going! See you next Saturday".
So there you have it. A really truthful post. I better move off this couch before I can't move my sore muscles! Make it a great day!
I am a very social person and group classes are fun for me. It doesn't really matter what kind of class it is although Yoga and Kickboxing scare me so I usually avoid these. Today was a class called "BAC Conditioning" and we all know that I am in need of conditioning!
When I arrived, I nonchalantly surveyed the situation through the glass walls that surround the rest of the workout area. I can not begin to explain the emotional meltdown that was happening in my head as I looked into the classroom and saw the following: Steps that were all on the highest level, bands for your legs and arms, free weights, a 10 lb. bar for lifting, and the dreaded giant ball. EACH station had ALL of this stuff in a pile. It was truly overwhelming. And to put it all into perfect perspective, every person that was scurrying around to get their spot set up, had the body that really didn't look like it needed exercise. And they all were dressed in cute workout clothes! It was almost like I was looking at the filming of an exercise video in the making. I paced up and down the glass wall twice...and I never opened up the door. Instead I sat down in the recumbent bike, set it to 30 minutes and interval trained for 5 grueling miles as I watched the class through the window.
As I settled into my workout, way in the corner of the room, I spied a fat lady. She couldn't do all of the exercises but she was hanging in there. It was humbling and angering to see. I should have been in the class. I knew that. But, when you are overweight, you don't want to be the fattest person in there. Pride. Simple as that.
After the class, I was really bold and went up to the fat lady and said, "I want you to know that you inspired me today to try this class next week." She smiled and was a bit taken aback and replied, "Thanks for inspiring me to keep going! See you next Saturday".
So there you have it. A really truthful post. I better move off this couch before I can't move my sore muscles! Make it a great day!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A good buy?
I can never resist a sale or a bargain or a markdown. It must be from my dad's side....he likes cheap too!
Unfortuneately, I have never been able to shop sales for my footwear. I wear a size 5 1/2 WW. In fact the shoe salesman today said after measuring my foot, " should wear a size 4 1/2 on your right foot and a 5 1/2 on your left foot and you are right between a wide and a double wide". Wide sizes start at size 6 in a normal shoe. I have tried to wear size 6's....they are too big. So, I have to shop in the "special" shoe stores--the ones that reek of leather the moment you walk into them and contain little short men that walk around and insist on measuring your feet the moment you sit down in one of thier little cushy seats. That last sentence was all code words for two really simple words: "EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE".
When I moved to the Zoo, I found a special shoe store that carried my special size for my special feet. And they have a special deal for thier "best" customers! If you buy 6 pair of shoes at the normal price, you will get your 7th pair of shoes for a reduced price. They keep track of how much you spend, average it out, divide it in half and then give you that amount off your seventh pair. It's pretty high level math if you ask me.
Since I have been vigorously exercising during lent, my tennis shoes have not been performing well at all. Yesterday I came home with a blister on the bottom of my foot! I decided that I would either need to get new tennis shoes today or I would have to go swimming as my workout tonight. Weighing in on the two options, swimming in public was not part of my future so I headed to my special shoe store with high hopes.
I walked in and my salespeople flocked to my feet. They know me as the "hard to fit teacher". After exchanging pleasantries, I asked if they had any 5 1/2 WW tennis shoes. I recieved the furled eyebrow look and got the common response that I have come to expect: "Well, let's measure your foot" if my foot has really changed sizes in the last 17 years!!!! So I smile, they measure and then we usually put in a special order.... because I really am a size 5 1/2WW.... BUT TODAY WAS DIFFERENT.
Today I actually got to try on a pair of shoes. It was delighful.
The shoeman tied my laces for me. It was divine.
And I bought the shoes! It was a miracle!!
And with the purchase of my 7th pair of shoes, I paid a mere $11.74 for a $69 pair of shoes. You can do the math....I have spent a fortune on the other 6 pairs!
Off to the gym, in my new shoes~
Unfortuneately, I have never been able to shop sales for my footwear. I wear a size 5 1/2 WW. In fact the shoe salesman today said after measuring my foot, " should wear a size 4 1/2 on your right foot and a 5 1/2 on your left foot and you are right between a wide and a double wide". Wide sizes start at size 6 in a normal shoe. I have tried to wear size 6's....they are too big. So, I have to shop in the "special" shoe stores--the ones that reek of leather the moment you walk into them and contain little short men that walk around and insist on measuring your feet the moment you sit down in one of thier little cushy seats. That last sentence was all code words for two really simple words: "EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE".
When I moved to the Zoo, I found a special shoe store that carried my special size for my special feet. And they have a special deal for thier "best" customers! If you buy 6 pair of shoes at the normal price, you will get your 7th pair of shoes for a reduced price. They keep track of how much you spend, average it out, divide it in half and then give you that amount off your seventh pair. It's pretty high level math if you ask me.
Since I have been vigorously exercising during lent, my tennis shoes have not been performing well at all. Yesterday I came home with a blister on the bottom of my foot! I decided that I would either need to get new tennis shoes today or I would have to go swimming as my workout tonight. Weighing in on the two options, swimming in public was not part of my future so I headed to my special shoe store with high hopes.
I walked in and my salespeople flocked to my feet. They know me as the "hard to fit teacher". After exchanging pleasantries, I asked if they had any 5 1/2 WW tennis shoes. I recieved the furled eyebrow look and got the common response that I have come to expect: "Well, let's measure your foot" if my foot has really changed sizes in the last 17 years!!!! So I smile, they measure and then we usually put in a special order.... because I really am a size 5 1/2WW.... BUT TODAY WAS DIFFERENT.
Today I actually got to try on a pair of shoes. It was delighful.
The shoeman tied my laces for me. It was divine.
And I bought the shoes! It was a miracle!!
And with the purchase of my 7th pair of shoes, I paid a mere $11.74 for a $69 pair of shoes. You can do the math....I have spent a fortune on the other 6 pairs!
Off to the gym, in my new shoes~
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