Today was a snow day. It was a perfect set up for a great day off. The snow began to fall yesterday around 2 p.m. and it never stopped until about 7p.m. tonight. It is really too bad this didn't happen on a school day because I think we would been given at least two days off. Here is a great picture of how much snow we got. I pulled it off our local news site. I don't really know this man but I thought his smile was great!
I forgot to take a picture when it was light outside (hence the "stranger man" picture) but I would estimate that we got about 14-16 inches. Tomorrow the "snow guns" fire up for some lake effect snow event which means we will pick up a few more inches before it is all over.
Today I sat and looked outside. It was a very unproductive day. Sometimes I need those kind of days. The kids went to the neighbor's house for a few hours. The house was completely silent. It was heaven on earth. I pretended I was in a snow globe except no one was shaking me violently every 10 seconds to make the snow swirl. Life is good.
Make it a great day.
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