Next week is Spring Break. Since I am a teacher, I can not begin to express how much happiness is going to flood my heart when the big week finally arrives! I love teaching but I am very ready for a much needed break. My students are ready too. My kids are ready. And my husband is ready because in a few short days, the kids and I will head off to a mystery destination and he will have the house to himself for four whole days!
One of the great joys of motherhood is to be able to make "surprises" happen for my kids. Nate and Maddie are extremely curious and inquisitive children. If anything varies from our normal schedule, they love to have a "family meeting" to thoroughly discuss each and every detail of the "change". It is amazing how many questions they can bombard me with in a five minute time frame if given the opportunity!
I have told them very little about our "mystery trip". They know that we will travel by plane and meet up with someone once we have arrived at our destination. They know that Dad is staying home and they know that we will be gone for four days. After many sessions of answers that are empty, they have finally decided that it is very fun to not know where we are going until they see it on the airport wall next Tuesday! Since they don't know that I have this blog yet, I decided I 'd give you a little hint!
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