Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Six Months Post Surgery

Today was my 6 month Post Surgery Doctor's Appointment.  A lot has changed since my last update.  According to the scales at my appointment, I am 48 pounds down.  According to my scales, I am 54 pounds down but since I didn't have the nerve to take off my clothes before stepping on the scale, we will stick with 48 lbs!

More importantly than the significant weight loss,  I was most impressed with a statement that my doctor made as she wrote down the "diagnosis" for insurance.  "Well, this is interesting...I have no previous diagnosis to write down anymore....your diabetes is gone, you don't have high blood pressure, you don't have reflux issues anymore and your potassium is normal. "    That was the best sentence that anyone could have delivered.  

I am thankful for this journey.  I am amazed at how the human body can work with just a few medical tune ups!  And I am astounded at how I am dealing with the fact that I will be on this strict diet for the rest of my life.

My BMI (Body Mass index)  has gone from 43% to 35%.  I am no longer morbidly or extremely obese...I am just obese.  It is very encouraging news.   :)

Although the weight loss has slowed down to a little less than a pound a week, I am totally ok with this.  I am not out to be a model...I am just out to be healthy.  

I do miss food.  I miss chewing.  I miss buffets.  I miss diet coke.   But I don't miss the 48 (54) lbs that are gone.  And all of the missing has been totally worth it!   

Make it a great day!  



Anonymous said...

Way to go Heidi!! I am so proud of you!! -jana

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic, Heidi. I am so proud of you. Being with you last week was an encouragement to me to try at least to lose the 8 lbs I gained in 2011. I'm loving the sugar free candy (once a day) and the healthy jam.

Anonymous said...

The goal cannot be a number, it has to be health and peace. Way to go, my friend!! - from julie b